We found some things we like to add and have now two small wedding lists and the option to contribute.
Wedding List in Vienna:
- Haardt & Krüger
1010 Wien, Schottengasse 3A, Tel.
+43 1 533 73 29, Fax +43 1 533 49 97
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9.30 – 18.00 Uhr und Sat 9.30 – 17.00 Uhr.
The name of the list is: Habicht and Fawkes (what a surprise :-) )
It includes Ritzenhoff Glasses and Silver Cuttlery.
What are Ritzenhoff Glasses? http://www.ritzenhoff.com/
What is Silver Cuttlery from Robbe and Berking Old Chippendale 150g? http://robbeberking.de/
There is no internet shop available, only a phone line.
Wedding List in the UK:
- John Lewis Department Store
- Eva Solo kitchen goodies and bed linen
- Our JL Gift list is available through most John Lewis Stores, over the phone via their Guest Line on 0845 600 2202 or online at http://www.johnlewisgiftlist.com/
- Click the link to 'Buy a gift' and enter our reference number which is 328286 (list opens 18th July).
Contributions at the wedding:
- Contributions to our Honeymoon
(e.g. a night safari, day safari, massage, dinner, flight miles, ....) - Contributions to our Terrace in the garden
(deck with built in lights, solar lights, and a waterbutt)
Some people asked to have an opportunity to contribute to an account (without being locally at the wedding). Therefore here some bank transfer options:
For contributions in British Pounds:
Alliance and Leicester, account no. 19 73 77 86, sort code 72-50-06
For contributions in Euro:
EASY Bank, Name Alexandra Habicht, account no. 20010 009 635, Bankleitzahl 14200
BIC: easyatw1 IBAN: AT931420020010009635
(Bankleitzahl is like sort code)